Auto Spawnable Blueprints
Auto spawnable blueprint actors are used with extension system to automatically create actor from a given context. Most of the time, it will be used to add a Desktop only or a VR only behaviour without taking care of the current VR state of SkyReal.
How to declare an AutoSpawnable actor
To decalre an AutoSpawnableActor:
- create an extension plugin
- In the RegisterableAssets directory, create a new data asset that inherits from SkrAutoSpawnableActorDescription.
- In the Spawning context field of the description, add one of the context described bellow
- In the ActorClassToSpawn field of the description, click on the "+" button to create a blueprint that inherits from Actor in a different directory (RegisterableAssets should only be used to save DataAsset).
Available spawning context
Context name | Definition |
BeginPlay | Spawn context for actors you want spawned when world is created (works outside SkyReal, even in the loading screen) |
VR | Spawn context for actors you want spawned when VR is activated and destroyed when VR is disabled |
Desktop | Spawn context for actors you want spawned when VR is disabled and destroyed when VR is activated |