Deck installation
Deck Installation
How does it works?
Deck is the front application dedicated to the final user. It will handle:
- connexion to XR Center
- upload of CAD files to the preparation cluster
- creation of experiences
- start of products linked to an experience (SkyReal, Product Explorer, Unreal Engine)
- WebView2 runtime
- DirectX 11: Installed at first SkyReal launch
simply install it using the installer.
Your license is managed by XR Center
Advanced configuration
DECK: Deck\skyreal.defaults.json
"BetaFeatures": {
"IsEditorExperienceEnabled": true
: enable Unreal Engine experience creation
DataDirectoryPath: ""
: defines local cache where experiences are downloaded
EditorDataDirectoryPath: ""
: defines the path to the unreal engine experiences generated by Deck