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Version: v1.16

VR Spectator View

The VR Spectator View is part of the VR extension. The modification applied on the view is only affecting the display on the screen, it is not affecting the view in the VR HMD. For the player inside VR, there will be no changes. VR Spectator View consists of having the possibility to smooth the VR view on the screen, and it also adds the possibility to get a third person view of the player in VR.

You can change the FOV (Field Of View) of the view (see Keybindings). You can also change the resolution of the screen while in the spectator view (see Keybindings).

To activate the VR Spectator View you need to have the "VR" extension loaded in your SkyReal and you need to be in VR inside the experience.

VR Spectator View exemple


  • Shift+M: Toggle the activation of the VR Spectator View.
  • M: Change the Spectator mode between a fly mode (third person view) and a first person smoothed view.

-- In Fly:

- __Arrow/ZQSD__: Move around
- __Right-click + Mouse__: Look around
  • Shift+L: Override Lumen parameter and set it to TRUE in the VR Spectator view
  • Page Up: Increase VR Spectator view resolution
  • Page Down: Decrease VR Spectator view resolution
  • Mousewheel up/down: Increase/Decrease FOV
  • Mousewheel click: Reset FOV
  • End: Toggle On/Off Virtual Shadow Map


There can be some performance issues while Virtual Shadow Map are active (as of UE 5.2), that is why you can disable them with the "End" key. Lumen can be a bit different between the view inside the HMD and what is on the screen while in the spectator view.