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Collaboration is not working

  • Be sure the workstations can communicate together (same network, VPN, ...).
  • Your firewall must authorize UDP connexion through port 7777 (or your custom port, see below).
  • If your firewall is strict and blocks everything by default, you can add the SkyReal executable as an exception: \SkyReal\Binaries\Win64\SkyReal-Win64-Shipping.exe.
  • Check that the port 7777 is not used by another service using the following command line:
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=4 delims= " %i IN (`netstat -ano ^|find "7777"`) DO @tasklist /fi "pid eq %i" | find "%i"

The expected result is SkyReal-Win64-Shipping. If you get another value you have to change the port used to communicate:

To do so add the following lines at the end of the SkyReal\Config\DefaultEngine.ini


VOIP can't connect

This can happen if you have already started a VOIP session that has not been closed properly. For instance, if you close SkyReal without closing the VOIP session before, or if SkyReal crashes.

If you are in this case you have two choices:

  • Change the VOIP port in SkyReal settings (WARNING: you must do it for every collaborator, source of potential error)
  • Restart your session to free the port