Manikin Command in VR
Manikin Command in VR
In Skyreal VR it is possible to create metahumans, edit their position and run human factors studies (MSD score). You can also edit the avatar you incarnate and change your body.
- Create an Manikin in VR
- Edit an Manikin in VR
- Edit an Manikin MSD
- Edit Myself Option
- Create an Ergonomic Session
- Body Calibration
- Create manikins in Desktop Mode
- Metahuman Avatars
Create Manikin
You will find this command in the default Manikin sub menu :
If no manikin is selected before launching the command, the user will start the creation workflow, otherwise if a manikin is selected when launching the command, it wouls go directly to the manikin's edition
Manikin Creation Workflow
To create a new manikin, click on the button Create Manikin, this will hide your bracelet and spawn a manikin into your laser pointer:
- Click once to place the mannikin in the environment
- Click a second time to define the manikin's orientation. The mannequin is now created.
Manikin Creation Options
You can personalize the manikin prior creation. Options available are: Select Posture: By default, the Manikin will appear in a normal standing position, you can also select seated or lay down positions.
Override Manikin Height: Every Manikin has their own established height, if you need to set a particular height you can activate this option by clicking on the switch button to set up a new manikin height.
Activate MSD You can activate this option to display the MSD on the Manikin (according to the RULA standard)
Incarnate after create You can activate this option to incarnate the manikin's after deciding its position and orientation. When you are satisfied with the position, you can press the trigger button a third time to end manikin's incarnation and go back to your original position.
Edit Manikin
Manikin Appearance
Manikin Selection Button: Clicking this option will open the list of available manikins to choose from. While hovering with your laser pointer you can see each manikin information and properties. Clicking on a particular manikin will transform the active manikin into the new one.
Override Manikin Height Every Manikin has their own established height, if you need to set a particular height you can activate this option by clicking on the switch button to set up a new manikin height.
Feet on Ground If active, this option will snap manikin's feet effectors to the closest surface.
Manikin Options
Posture: You can change the manikin position between standing, seated or, down position.
Button Generate MSD Report It generates automatically an MSD score report of the Manikin's pose. Currently, the result is a json file that you can exploit to create your own reports.
Button Duplicate Manikin Clicking this button would hide your bracelet and spawn an exact copy of the manikin selected into your laser pointer. You can afterwards place the new manikin in any position in space.
Button Incarnate Manikin By clicking this button, you will automatically incarnate the selected manikin. While you incarnate the manikin, you can move freely to assume any wanted pose.
Button Delete Manikin This button will delete the selected manikin.
Manikin Manipulation
When a Manikin is selected, you can see all its effectors represented by blue spheres. These effectors have the possibility of being selected, moved or rotated with your laser pointer. To quickly move an effector, you can select with the trigger button and while maintaining the button pressed, place the effector in the desired position. You can also rotate the effector by moving your hand accordingly.
When an effector is selected it will show a set of properties in the bracelet:
Effector States
It shows a list of effector states, each effector can have six different states
Free The effector position and rotation are controlled by the user. When the hands effectors are selected, this option would activate the possibility of use the buttons effector Options and Point Effector To. (see hereafter)
Simulated Effector is controlled by the system. It would follow any movement that�s linked to it, except user's input.
Snap To Actor When selected, you can pick an object to attach to the effector. If this object moves, the effector will follow. If the effector moves, the object remains static.
Locked Local Effector is frozen locally, if you move the manikin, the effector will not follow but stay frozen.
Locked World Effector is frozen in position and rotation if manikin can moves effector will stay in position.
Disable Effector is disable (it turns color gray) and it places itself in its default position.
Point Effector To: When clicked, user would have the possibility of select any object in the scene and the effector is going to be linked to it.
Effectors options: Exists for the hand effectors only.
It would open the hands effector combo-box options Hand Grip and Fingers Grip where you have the possibility of open/close/spread the manikin's hand or to open/close/spread every finger individually.
The third option Auto grip allows the hand to set in a particular position when linked to an object with predefined sockets.
Edit MSDs
Activate MSD You can activate this option to display the MSD of the selected manikin.
Show Score You can activate this option to display the MSD SCORE of the selected manikin.
MSD Settings This button gives access to all MSD parameters (according to the RULA standard). Each parameter selected will influence the final SCORE calculation.
Vision Cone When active, a light will show and paint everything that is on the manikin's visual field.
Accessibility Envelope When active, it shows an area surrounding the manikin where the manikin's arms can reach.